Monday 6 April 2009

For the love of God - Feb 23rd

My best plans gan aglay!

My weekend was marred by back pain, I get this sporadically. Last time I was crippled for a week. This time I kept moving, and was ok within 48 hours. S'good, this exercise lark!

Scrambly hikes and mountains were out of the question, sadly. Saturday, I managed a walk to the local shop! Sunday was more successful, and we managed a family walk (on the flat!) at Cosmeston Lakes. Wee Madam was squired about in her push along trike, and had a marvellous time. We covered maybe 3 miles, and I was really proud of myself for getting out there and active instead of taking to my bed! Strong painkillers helped a LOT.

This morning I enjoyed my very first Pilates class. I was dubious that such minor movements could result in anything, but bloody hell, it was quite hard work!! My tummy muscles are definitely feeling it. The instructor was lovely, very encouraging and positive, and the other ladies in the class were very welcoming so I'm hoping to make a habit of this one.

On the downside, I faced a very obnoxious and unhelpful attitude from the co-ordinator of the GP scheme I'm meant to be following, who told me that I wasn't allowed to go to my lovely Pilates class, or in fact do anything that wasn't prescribed, monitored, approved and overseen by his special staff. Sadly, this has resulted in me withdrawing from the Scheme and I'm now going it alone! I've made a complaint about it all, lord knows if anything will be done, but it's somewhat marred what was otherwise a really positive morning. My blood sugar levels were below 10 this morning, for the first time I can remember since my daughter was born 2.5 years ago! I feel like I'm really starting to take diabetes by the horns and fight back, and it's quite empowering. So sod control-hungry little upstarts who think they can dictate my exercise plan for no good reason!!

The first of my fitness DVD rentals from Cinema Paradiso arrived on Saturday morning - a dance workout called Pump it Up, or something similar. I am waiting to have the lounge to myself to give this a go, as I don't wish to be mocked. Maybe I can kick him out for a bit later.......

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